Three Reasons All Sellers Need to Get a Home Inspection

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When Preparing Your Home for Sale - Get a Home Inspection!
I'm here today to talk to you about why you need a home inspector, and I've come up with three different reasons why you should hire one if you're selling.
  1. Making Repairs at Your Own Speed: The inspector will likely come up with a long list of repairs that need to be made on your home, and because you've hired an inspector before you sell you can then go along and make these repairs at your own convenience. Some repairs will be more time consuming and expensive than others, and some may be critical to selling your home. Once you know which repairs are necessary, you can then go ahead and make them. 
  2. Negotiating with Your Buyer: Buyers will usually hire a home inspector roughly 10 days into Escrow. If you know which repairs are the most important to your home, then you can negotiate with the buyer and compare your home inspection with theirs. Usually when you're in the Escrow process as a seller, you're most concerned with where you're going to be living next. Getting a home inspection as a seller will remind you that your selling process is not over, and it will help you negotiate the best possible terms for the sale of your property.
  3. Mindshare: As I said before, when you're 10 days in to the Escrow period, your thoughts are usually not centered around your current home. When you get a home inspection, it can help to ease the stress associated with the closing process. When you can quit worrying about your current home, you can then begin to think about selling your next property. 
These are just a few reasons I believe it is a smart decision to hire an inspector if you're selling your home. Also, if you would like the names of inspectors that I would recommend, then please give me a call and I can tell you about them.

I can be reached at (703) 915-1377 or you can email me via

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